Function for calculating habitat fragmentation indices/stats for particular coordinates
Here is a function that calculates 'fragstats' for user-defined circular buffers around sites defined by XY coordinates. It is essentially a wrapper for the 'ClassStat' function (from package SDMTools) with the purpose of a) implementing calculation for a circular buffer zone defined by a radius in distance units rather than a rectangular area such as defined by a raster, and b) allowing batch processing with coordinates from multiple sites.The function may be useful if you wish to analyse habitat fragmentation indices at 1 or more scales/radii around a set of point locations, rather than across an entire landscape.
The input data are site coordinates and a RasterLayer object that contains habitat/vegetation presence categories defined by integers (absences may be NAs).
buffer.frags.R []
An example:
eg.rast <- raster()
extent(eg.rast) <- c(0,10, 0, 10)
res(eg.rast) <- c(0.5,0.5)
eg.rast[] <- NA
eg.rast[sample(c(1:ncell(eg.rast)), 100)] <- 1
eg.coords <- data.frame(Longitude=c(3, 7), Latitude=c(4, 8))
row.names(eg.coords) <- c("SiteA", "SiteB")
points(eg.coords, pch=20, cex=2) frags <- buffer.frags(eg.coords, radius=150000, vegetation.base.raster=eg.rast) # frags <-, frags) #TO CONDENSE INTO SINGLE DATA.FRAME frags #NOTE:class =100 in 'frags' is the default for NAs in the input raster (i.e. no habitat/vegetation).
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