vectors <- data.frame(names=as.matrix(colors())[runif(40, min=1, max=650)], r = runif(40, min=-1, max=1))
names r
1 orange -0.36946900
2 grey67 -0.15152158
3 red2 -0.80901845
4 mediumseagreen 0.11225298
5 lightpink3 0.15080658
6 ivory1 0.11756504
7 cornflowerblue 0.57406034
8 oldlace -0.71916037
9 lightslategray -0.76570037
10 grey92 0.04404581
11 paleturquoise1 0.94855012
12 gray33 0.20623527
13 snow2 -0.31711523
14 navajowhite1 -0.53142940
15 gray71 -0.80816250
16 gray62 -0.13817008
17 steelblue3 0.57297053
18 lightcyan4 0.29911661
19 lightgoldenrodyellow -0.53221485
20 coral2 -0.66000856
21 paleturquoise2 0.83141393
22 palegreen4 -0.74607829
23 pink 0.98511951
24 gray44 0.17423459
25 tomato1 -0.04841200
26 floralwhite 0.31414141
27 gray20 -0.02050105
28 lightcyan3 0.92788320
29 grey69 -0.84439991
30 burlywood3 -0.60867127
31 snow3 0.45804930
32 gray13 0.18198486
33 wheat2 0.71317735
34 purple -0.98669286
35 dimgrey -0.63993588
36 grey91 0.91495308
37 darkslateblue -0.54674852
38 gray14 0.59225932
39 indianred1 0.36252024
40 cadetblue 0.96656531
#plot - this code creates 2 side by side plots: the linestack on the left, and some descriptive arrows on the right
par(mfrow=c(1,2), mar=c(3,0,1,0))
linestack(vectors$r, labels=vectors$names, axis=TRUE, air=1.8, cex=0.7, hoff=7, font=6, at=-0.3)
plot(0.5, 0.5, ylim=c(-1,1),xlim=c(0,1), cex=0, xaxt="n", xlab="", bty="n", yaxt="n", ylab="")
arrows(0.1, 0.2, x1=0.1, y1=0.8, lwd=2, lty=1, angle=10)
arrows(0.1, -0.2, x1=0.1, y1=-0.8, lwd=2, angle=10)
text(0.05, -0.4, "negative", srt=90, cex=1.5)
text(0.05, 0.4, "positive", srt=90, cex=1.5)
Dummy example of 'linestack' in Vegan produced by above code. |
And a real example [from Guerin G.R., Biffin E. & Lowe A.J. (2013) Spatial modelling of species turnover identifies ecotones, climate change tipping points and vulnerable taxonomic groups. Ecography 36, 1086–1096.]: